✤ The minimum age to get tattooed at Beehive Tattoo Studio is 18 years old, even with parental consent.


✤ A full 24 hours notice is required for cancelling appointments.

✤ Any appointment missed, late cancelled, or changed without 24 hour notice will result in a charge equal to the tattoo starting price, 1500kr.

✤ If a cancellation is due to circumstances beyond any of our control, such as power outage, unfortunate incidence, or weather that requires you or us to have to cancel or be closed during business hours, we will reschedule your existing appointment and no discount or charges will apply.

✤ If you need to cancel your appointment contact your Tattoo Artist directly or write an email to


✤ The prices are approximate. The exact price will be given after the design is ready and the right size is chosen during the appointment. Check our Price List for more details.


✤ The Tattoo Artist and the Tattoo Studio will never disclose personal information to third parties. Data assets may be stored in the registry to improve personal customer service . Personal information is never recorded (even anonymously) or used for any purpose other than for the personal service of the individual with the information.

✤ The Tattoo Artist has the right to their own work (drawings and finished tattoos). They can publish and take pictures if they wish.

✤ The client is always allowed to take pictures of their own tattoo both inside and outside the studio and publish it without separate request or permission. The customer can also use the pictures of their own tattoos, published by the studio, for their own use.


If you go by subway, drop off at Rådhuset station (blue line) and follow the exit “Kungsholmsgatan“.

It is also about 15 minutes walking distance from T-Centralen.

drop-in Queue

✤ If you received an email with your queue number, you’re in the line for the drop-in. We’ll contact you when it’s your turn to come back, keep an eye on your email ; )

✤ Please wait for our contact before coming to the studio, even if your number is the next one.

✤ Keep in mind that the session for each tattoo is different, so please reserve some time to your session as we can’t predict how long is the waiting. 
The drop-in line closes at 15:00 but we usually keep tattooing a bit longer than that to be able to tattoo everybody ^^

NOTE: If you need to leave the queue, please let us know in advance so we can move up to the next person.

Thank you!

Drop-in Guidelines

Please, read carefully:

✤ We take drop-ins for small tattoos only on the dates and time announced  (simple design up to around 5 cm) ;

✤ Keep in mind that drop-ins have limited spots for those who arrive first;

✤ When you get to the studio, show us your tattoo idea and leave your contact information.

NOTE: The tattoo artist will talk to you during the session and draw your tattoo, but we ask you to come with the idea and placement already decided for the drop-in.

✤ Then, we‘ll send an email with your number in the queue and you’ll be able to follow how the queue is going on our website;

✤ When it’s your time to come we’ll contact you;

✤ While waiting for your turn, take a nice walk or have a coffee nearby : )

✤ Come alone.

✤ We have a no-children and no-pets policy at the studio.

✤ Sanitise your hands when you arrive.

✤ Stay home if you are feeling sick.

✤ Start price: 1500kr.